Meet the stars Friday have worked with over the years and the different types of projects we have co-created.
How to become a global talent magnet? Global talent development focusing on development and impact on an individual level, a team level and a company level.
- Triple focus awareness and development.
- Emotional Intelligence awareness and training.
- Decoding and activating motivational drivers in practice.
- Career clarity and choices.
- Consciousness training and development of response-ability.
- Dogmas in constructive communication.
- Training of leaders in how to develop talent.
- Integration of corporate purpose with individual purpose.
- On-the-job development and business problem training.
- Purpose and strategy cascading into team purpose and Key Purpose Indicators.
- From purpose intentions to team reality.
- On-the-job activation and impact.
Novo Nordisk
How can we develop and activate leadership skills for people without a formal leadership role? Global leadership programme training people in how to proactively applying leadership skills in their everyday reality.
- Self-leadership and consciousness training.
- Triple focus development and impact (individual, team and company).
- Development of response-ability.
- Stakeholder leadership and influencing.
- Dogmas in constructive communication.
- Team dynamics and development.
- Core motivational drivers and how to activate those.
- On-the-job impact and learning assignments.
- Understanding and activating strategic talent principles in practice.
- Values- and strengths-based talent development.
- Core motivational drivers and how to apply those in reality.
- Self-leadership and consciousness.
Better Energy
How to build world-class leadership in a scale-up company? Leadership development programme at all company levels, training and mobilizing leaders to mobilize the organisation through topics such as:
- Re-generative leadership.
- Purpose-driven leadership and conscious leadership behavior.
- Team leadership and mobilization of people.
- Delegation and leading leaders.
- Conscious leadership.
- Coaching and impactful conversations.
- Leadership networks and action learning.
How to develop talent while having a clear strategic impact? Nordic talent development programme focusing on development and impact on an individual level, a team level and a company level.
- Triple focus awareness and development.
- Emotional Intelligence awareness and training.
- Decoding and activating motivational drivers in practice.
- Leadership development and on-the-job learning assignments.
- Consciousness training and development of response-ability.
- Dogmas in constructive communication.
- Training of leaders in how to develop talent.
- Business problem training and impact in functional role.
How can you upscale leadership capabilities in a scale-up company? Full scale organisational project focusing on upscaling leadership for everyone in a scale-up company through topics such as:
- Defining and implementing an updated leadership model in sync with purpose and strategy.
- Senior leadership team development and impact.
- Strategic talent development and impact.
- Cross company leadership activation and impact.
- Design and implementation of internal TV station.
- Design and execution of yearly purpose and strategy festival.
- Decoding and revitalizing purpose.
- Articulation and activation of purpose.
- Senior leadership team co-creation and mobilization.
Global mobilization and activation of leaders in line with company purpose A project supporting leaders at a global scale to have an in-depth understanding of the corporate purpose and how to embed that in daily leadership practice.
- Corporate purpose decoding and integration with the leaders own purpose and leadership practice.
- From purpose intentions to practical reality and actions.
- Senior leadership team mobilization and activation.
- Design and execution of digital solution relation to purpose-driven leadership and impact.
How can we link the purpose & strategy of IMS to talent activation? Training of leaders in how to build a clear connection between the purpose and strategy of IMS and the way talent is understood and activated around the world:
- Connection the IMS purpose and strategy to the understanding of talent.
- Contextual awareness and the impact on talent leadership.
- The triple focus of talent (individual, people & organisation).
- Understanding and applying strategic talent principles at scale.
- Strengths-based leadership and core motivational drivers.
- Leadership experiments and talent activation.
Esrum Abbey
How to decode the core purpose of the organisation and activate it in all activities? End-to-end purpose and strategy project supporting the organisation through decoding-, articulation- and activation phases. Working with the board, the leadership team and the employees with themes such as:
- Purpose - and strategy.
- Board activation.
- Purpose-driven leadership.
- Organisational identity and communication.
- Project leadership.
- Purpose-driven customer activities.
How do we mobilize graduates and connect their talents to our business? Leadership training and support of leaders in how to understand, mobilize and integrate graduates into the business reality of the company.
- Identifying the meaningful intersections between individual drivers and company drivers.
- How to have impactful conversations leading to engagement and performance.
- Understanding and applying core talent leadership principles in practice.
- Goalsetting og ongoing calibration and mobilizing.
- On-the-job development and how to use blended learning as a driver.
How to understand and activate your talent with impact? Talent development program across the entire organisation focusing on topics such as:
- Decoding and activation of core motivational drivers.
- Values-driven development and performance.
- Strengths-based talent development.
- Action learning and development of talent through experiments.
- Connecting organisational purpose & strategy to individual impact.
What talent does it take to develop talent? Leadership training in how to understand and activate the diverse range of talent in the organisation through topics such as:
- Core leadership principles for the modern and progressive leader.
- Activating a leadership foundation and creating real impact.
- Values-based and conscious leadership.
- Human-centered business.
- Development of response-ability as a leader and organisation.
- Leadership experiment and action learning.
How can you move up the ladder of relevance as a company? A project supporting the entire organisation to having everyone's attention towards one common goal.
- Purpose decoding, articulation and activation.
- From purpose intentions to strategic chioces.
- Purpose-driven leadership capabilitites needed to create clarity and consistency in the organisation.
- Board, senior leadership and employee engagement and activation.
- Integration of purpose in every functional area.
Save The Children Denmark
How can you align a senior leadership team around an inspiring and valuable purpose? Project focused on supporting a newly formed senior leadership team and having a common attention towards the end game of the organisation.
- Purpose-driven leadership in practice.
- From purpose intentions to strategic choices.
- Leadership team development.
- Supporting clarity and consistency across the organisation.
How can consultants create real impact for their customers? Consultant programme focusing on the entire value-chain of their work from specifying a real problem to actual impact in reality.
- The role of a consultant and how to be a trusted advisor.
- Working trust-based and developing a real relationship.
- Communication and client relation training.
- Working across different cultures.
- Creating digital and scalable training content directly linked to the role as a consultant.
The Green Girl Guides Denmark
How can you take your purpose and impact to the next level? A project focused on mobilization of leaders in the organisation, so that they can mobilize the people in the organisation, anchored in the purpose and strategy.
- Leadership team development, clarity and consistency.
- Specifying how to make the purpose even more real and impact across the organisation.
- Mobilizing people and an entire organisation.
- Leading volunteers and activating intrinsic motivation.
Senior leadership team mobilization and clarity about corporate purpose A project supporting a senior leadership team to grow as a team and create a clear purpose foundation.
- Senior leadership team development and mobilization.
- Purpose-driven leadership capabilitites needed to create clarity and consistency in the organisation.
- Purpose decoding, articulation and activation.
- From purpose intentions to practical reality and actions.
The Danish Parliament
How to empower self-leadership and conscious career choices? Self-leadership programme supporting individual employees to make career choices in line with their strengths.
- Self-leadership awareness and actions.
- Strengths-based development and choices.
- On-the-job development and learning assignments.
- Core motivational drivers and values-based career development.
- Career development in line with organisational strategy and core purpose.
Kromann Reumert
How to lead yourself so you can lead other people? Cross company leadership development balancing individual leadership with company DNA.
- Emotional Intelligence and awareness training.
- Outdoor action learning and team development.
- Defining and carrying out leadership experiments on-the-job.
- Values-based leadership.
- Strengths-based leadership.
- Leadership delegation and communication.
How can you empower leadership to people without a formal leadership role? Leadership project mobilizing people to take on a leadership role without the formal authority.
- Informal influencing and gaining trust.
- Communication and relating skills.
- Motivating and engaging peers.
- Goal setting and on-the-job activation.
Prosecution Service Denmark
How to understand and activate your talent with impact? Talent development program across the entire organisation focusing on topics such as:
- Decoding and activation of core motivational drivers.
- Values-driven development and performance.
- Strengths-based talent development.
- Action learning and development of talent through experiments.
- On-the-job development and impact.
- Experience-based learning and development.
- Talent leadership and applying strategic talent principles in practice.
Danske Gymnasier
How to prepare people without a formal leadership responsibility to have one going forward? A leadership programme preparing to have the formal responsibility as a leader.
- Strengths-based development and core motivational drivers of people.
- Values-based leadership and consciousness in all actions.
- The transition from leading yourself to leading others.
- Core strategic capabilities needed as a leader.
- Dogmas in constructive communication.
- On-the-job development and experience-based learning.
- Purpose-driven leadership and strategic choices.
- Building leadership capabilitites related to purpose and strategy impact.
- Building and executing a clear and consistent strategy.
- Mobilizing an organisation around clear and inspiring goals and desired impact.
- Bottom-up involvement and activation.
- Strategic decision making, planning and action.
The Danish Customs and Tax Administration
How to develop organisational talent and having a clear strategic impact? Cross organisational talent development programme focusing on development and impact on an individual level, a team level and a company level.
- Triple focus awareness and development.
- Decoding and activating motivational drivers in practice.
- Leadership development and on-the-job learning assignments.
- Career motives clarification and choices.
- Organisational mobilization and leadership impact.
- Consciousness training and development of response-ability.
- Dogmas in constructive communication.
- Training of leaders in how to develop talent.
- Business problem training and impact in functional role.
How to make all talent initiatives strategic and in line with the purpose and business strategy? Advisory project supporting the company to create clarity and consistency between the business strategy and all talent initiatives.
- Having the talent definition that is in line with the company purpose and strategy.
- Understanding and applying strategic talent principles.
- Creating clarity and consistency in all talent initiatives.
- Cascading business strategic choices to talent strategic choices.
How to understand and lead talent with impact? Talent talks with leaders across the organisation to create alignment in how to understand talent and apply the core principles of talent with impact.
- How to understand talent from a strategic point of view.
- The talent it takes to develop talent.
- Core motivational drivers of people and how to get access to that.
- Strengths-based leadership actions.
- On-the-job development and learning assignments.
- Mobilization of people at scale.
How to understand and lead talent with impact? Talent talks with leaders across the organisation to create alignment in how to understand talent and apply the core principles of talent with impact.
- How to understand talent from a strategic point of view.
- The talent it takes to develop talent.
- Core motivational drivers of people and how to get access to that.
- Strengths-based leadership actions.
- On-the-job development and learning assignments.
- Mobilization of people at scale.
The City of Copenhagen
How can you align an organisation around one common goal? Organisational project supporting the organisation to find the core of what they do and what they end game actually is.
- Purpose decoding, articulation and activation.
- Strategic leadership development.
- Strengths-based leadership actions.
- Strategic choices, planning and actions.
- Mobilization of people at scale.
Arbejdernes Landsbank
How to develop talent while having a clear strategic impact? Cross organisational talent development programme focusing on development and impact on an individual level, a team level and a company level.
- Triple focus awareness and development.
- Decoding and activating motivational drivers in practice.
- Leadership development and on-the-job learning assignments.
- Consciousness training and development of response-ability.
- Development of strategic capabilities.
- Mastering the transition from leading yourself to leading others.
- Dogmas in constructive communication.
- Training of leaders in how to develop talent.
- Business problem training and impact in functional role.
What talent does it take to develop talent? Leadership training and support of leaders in how to understand, mobilize and integrate talent into the business reality of the company.
- Identifying the meaningful intersections between individual drivers and company drivers.
- How to have impactful conversations leading to engagement and performance.
- Understanding and applying core talent leadership principles in practice.
- Purpose-driven talent development.
- Goal setting og ongoing calibration and mobilizing.
- On-the-job development and how to use blended learning as a driver.